Home Latest NASA launches satellite tv for pc for landmark examine of Earth’s water

NASA launches satellite tv for pc for landmark examine of Earth’s water

NASA launches satellite tv for pc for landmark examine of Earth’s water


The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite tv for pc, a billion-dollar challenge collectively developed by NASA and CNES, took off at 1146 GMT atop a SpaceX rocket.

A satellite tv for pc lifted off Friday from California on a mission to survey practically all our bodies of water on Earth, providing key insights on how they affect or are impacted by local weather change.

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite tv for pc, a billion-dollar challenge collectively developed by NASA and France’s area company CNES, took off at 1146 GMT atop a SpaceX rocket from the Vandenberg Space Force Base.

According to a press release from NASA, it would begin accumulating scientific knowledge in about six months after present process checks and calibrations.

“SWOT will bring us a revolutionary advance in our understanding of how water moves around our planet,” stated Karen St. Germain, NASA’s Earth Science Division director, forward of the launch.

“We will be able to see detail in eddies and currents and circulation in the oceans that we have never been able to see before.”

She stated this could assist predict floods in areas with an excessive amount of water, and handle water in areas susceptible to drought.

Selma Cherchali, of the French area company CNES, advised a press convention on Tuesday that the satellite tv for pc represents a “revolution in hydrology. We are aiming to provide fine-scale observations ten times better than the current technology.”

From a top of 890 kilometers (550 miles), SWOT could have the clearest view but of the world’s oceans, permitting it to trace the rise in sea ranges, in addition to rivers and lakes.

The satellite tv for pc will measure the peak of water in freshwater our bodies and the ocean on greater than 90 p.c of Earth’s floor — which it would observe in its entirety at the very least as soon as each 21 days.

Researchers will be capable to get knowledge on thousands and thousands of lakes, relatively than the few hundreds presently seen from area.

NASA is presently working some 25 area missions observing Earth, and SWOT will likely be like “putting on glasses. We will have a crisp picture,” stated St. Germain.

Understanding local weather change

The satellite tv for pc will assist scientists higher perceive local weather change, and elements reminiscent of how rather more warmth and carbon dioxide oceans can take up.

“We know with climate change that Earth’s water cycle is accelerating. What this means is that some locations have too much water, others don’t have enough,” stated Benjamin Hamlington, a NASA analysis scientist.

“We’re seeing more extreme droughts, more extreme floods, precipitation patterns are changing, becoming more volatile. So it’s really important that we try to understand exactly what is happening.”

The mission is supposed to final for 3 and a half years, however may very well be prolonged till 5 years, or much more, stated SWOT’s challenge head at CNES, Thierry Lafon.

The breakthrough expertise on the coronary heart of the satellite tv for pc mission is known as KaRin, a Ka-band radar interferometer, which Lafon described as “the flagship for a new generation of altimeters in space.”

The radar sends down a sign which is mirrored again by the water floor. This echo is acquired by two antennas, leading to two units of knowledge offering excessive accuracy for water detection and determination.

The US and French area companies have labored collectively within the area for greater than 30 years. A earlier satellite tv for pc developed by the companions, TOPEX/Poseidon, improved understanding of ocean circulation and its impact on world local weather.

It additionally aided the forecast of the 1997-1998 El Nino climate phenomenon.

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