Home Latest NASA’s About to Make a Big Announcement About Mars. Here’s What We Know.

NASA’s About to Make a Big Announcement About Mars. Here’s What We Know.

NASA’s About to Make a Big Announcement About Mars. Here’s What We Know.


We’re about to search out out what’s taking place with NASA’s beleaguered Mars Sample Return mission. In only a few hours – at 1PM EDT – NASA goes to host a media teleconference that units out its suggestions for transferring ahead.

The mission has been ongoing for a number of years, with the deployment of the Perseverance rover in February 2021. Part of Perseverance’s mission is to assemble attention-grabbing samples of Martian rock to be collected by one other mission and returned to Earth.

Last 12 months, the way forward for the Mars pattern return mission grew to become shaky after an unbiased evaluate determined that the program had “unrealistic budget and schedule expectations”, an “unwieldy structure” and was “not arranged to be led effectively”.

The House and Senate appropriations committees subsequently advisable a price range that included a reduce of $454,080,000 to NASA’s 2024 price range, specifically from the Mars Sample Return mission. NASA has additionally decreased spending on the mission, and laid off a large number of workers and contractors from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is main the mission.

This has led to some alarm that the mission could also be axed, and the canisters crammed by Perseverance left ineffective on the floor of Mars. NASA’s upcoming announcement affords a glimmer of hope but – perhaps.

“Mars Sample Return has been a major long-term goal of international planetary exploration for the past two decades,” the agency writes.

“NASA’s Perseverance rover is collecting compelling science samples that will help scientists understand the geological history of Mars, the evolution of its climate, and prepare for future human explorers. The return of the samples will also help NASA’s search for signs of ancient life.”

The current plan has an orbiter launching in 2027, a lander launching in 2028, and pristine Mars samples coming to Earth in 2033. Fingers crossed the brand new suggestions supply a method to meet these timelines.

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