Home Latest Natick health official: Fall sports likely safe during coronavirus pandemic

Natick health official: Fall sports likely safe during coronavirus pandemic

Natick health official: Fall sports likely safe during coronavirus pandemic


The determination comes as the school committee has concerns about student safety.

NATICK – The town’s top public health official believes safety measures in place for the fall sports season will likely protect Natick High School athletes during the coronavirus pandemic.

Public Health Director Jim White wrote in a Wednesday memo to Julie McDonough, chairwoman of the Natick School Committee, that the consensus after speaking with other communities in the Bay State Conference is to allow the fall season to move ahead with the safety precautions currently in place.

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This Tuesday, the School Committee is expected to hear back from the district’s lawyer on possible committee options, including opting out of fall sports. Two weeks ago, the committee requested the legal opinion, and asked to hear from White on the safety of fall sports.

Some committee members believe mingling students in sports practices and games could be potentially dangerous to their health. They questioned the logic of allowing sports, while the district worked hard to keep each classroom of students separated in school buildings during a hybrid model of education to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Natick School Committee concerned about safety of high school sports during the coronavirus pandemic

White’s letter raised several points to support a fall high school sports season. One is youth and amateur sports occurred statewide – including Natick – since Massachusetts released Phase 4 of its reopening plan.

Additionally, White said some Natick High athletes have been on the field this summer, having participated in captain’s practices.

Bay State Conference safety protocols – the league Natick teams compete in – and those for Natick High exceed state guidelines, White wrote.

Schools in the Bay State Confernce will compete in five-team pods – Natick is with Needham, Wellesley, Newton North and Brookline – in order to limit COVID exposure. Rules were modified to reduce physical contact with opponents; the number of games/matches/meets are limited to eight, and there will be no post-season play.

“I have been in contact with Health Departments in four other Bay State League communities,” White’s letter reads. “The consensus is, with the safety precautions and modifications in place, to allow the Fall 1 Athletic Program to proceed. The program does not pose any additional risk to the participants as programs associated with the youth sports currently in place.”

The five schools in Natick’s pod will share health information, according to White.

He noted the Natick Board of Health will monitor COVID metrics to safeguard school students and staff.

Last month, the the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association – the state’s governing body of high school sports – voted to allow lower-risk sports to resume this fall. Those include soccer, field hockey and girls’ volleyball. Higher-risk sports, including football, competitive cheer and unified basketball, were pushed ahead to late February.

State education officials said sports must be offered in districts that have their high schools open and admit students during the pandemic, according to Natick Superintendent of Schools Anna Nolin. Districts that are only offering a fully-remote education require a vote by that district’s committee so students can participate in sports.

In August, the Natick School Committee voted to start the year in a hybrid model of education, with half the students attending school, while the other half learn remotely. The groups switch places weekly. Fully remote education is available for families that don’t want a hybrid model.

Henry Schwan is the health reporter for the Daily News. Follow Henry on Twitter @henrymetrowest. He can be reached at hschwan@wickedlocal.com or 508-626-3964.


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