Home Latest Natick: School Committee concerned about safety of high school sports during the coronavirus pandemic.

Natick: School Committee concerned about safety of high school sports during the coronavirus pandemic.

Natick: School Committee concerned about safety of high school sports during the coronavirus pandemic.


Some members believe a COVID risk exist for students that hit the field.

NATICK — The School Committee may consider opting out of high school sports this fall — if it learns it has the right to do so — due to safety concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic.

The board is waiting to hear back from the district’s lawyer on its options. That information could be presented at its next meeting on Sept. 29.

School Committee Chairwoman Julie McDonough said the committee needs clarity on several questions, including: If the board opts out of fall sports in the Bay State Conference, does it mean its also opts out in winter and spring sports?

During the board’s virtual meeting on Monday night, several members said they didn’t feel comfortable that students can remain safe while playing sports.

“I am scared beyond belief,” board member Kathi Collins said.

What will fall high school sports look like?

Collins and other board members stressed that the district has worked hard to create separate groups of students, called “cohorts,” that will attend classes in the hybrid model of education. Cohorts will not mix with other groups while in school buildings in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

But Collins said there would be a mixing of cohorts during sporting events, increasing the risk of contracting the virus.

“If we can’t hold physical education classes in person, then why in the world would we do this in a game? It seems like we’re creating our own worst enemy,” Collins said. “This is crossing cohorts within our town. I’m very upset we would seriously consider this.”

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Board Chairwoman Julie McDonough said it’s unclear whether the committee can legally opt out of fall sports. The board expects to receive an opinion from the district’s lawyer on the subject.

“It would require much further conversation,” McDonough said of the possibility of a committee vote to opt out. “It’s a really big decision. We would need a lot more input before the school committee could make that determination.”

The committee also wants to know if Public Health Director Jim White supports health and safety measures to protect student-athletes during the pandemic that were adopted by the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association, the state’s governing body of high school sports.

Last month, the MIAA voted to allow lower-risk sports to resume this fall. Those include soccer, field hockey and girls’ volleyball. Higher-risk sports, including football, competitive cheer and unified basketball, were pushed ahead to late February.

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State education officials said sports must be offered in districts that have their high schools open and admit students during the pandemic, according to Natick Superintendent of Schools Anna Nolin. Districts that are only offering a fully-remote education require a vote by that district’s committee so students can participate in sports.

In August, the Natick School Committee voted to start the year in a hybrid model of education, with half the students attending school, while the other half learn remotely. The groups switch places weekly. Fully remote education is available for families that don’t want a hybrid model.

Besides the mingling of cohorts, committee members expressed concern about opponents on the field from other districts, and whether those students are property screened against COVID-19.

Equity is another issue for the committee, as some members believe all extracurricular activities should be able to meet in-person, with modifications to protect student health and safety, not just sports.

The idea of testing all Natick High athletes on a regular basis to ensure they are COVID-free was another idea raised by the committee. That presents a legal barrier, Nolin said, because families can’t be forced into testing; Nolin said there isn’t money in the school budget for additional testing. She said it would likely cost $1.7 million to pool test groups of students, and the feedback from parent surveys was mixed. Some question the legality of such a move, and others don’t have the money to pay to have their children tested.

Some specifics of Natick High School athletics in the Bay State Conference this fall include: Schools will be placed in pods within the conference to limit COVID exposure. Natick’s pod includes Needham, Wellesley, Newton North and Brookline.

Modifications to specific sports to limit COVID transmission include: staggered starts in cross country to limit clusters of competitors; seven players on the field for each field hockey team, compared to the traditional 11; no corner kicks, slide tackling or throw-ins during soccer matches; and swimming and diving competitions held virtually, so each team competes separately at its own venue. Scores are tallied to determine winners.

General safety steps include all coaches and athletic staff being required to complete a COVID safety course prior to the start of the season; all athletes and coaches must complete a form before each practice and game attesting that they are COVID-free; and every sport will have a “COVID coach” responsible for all virus concerns.

Transportation to away games will be limited to 23 athletes per bus, and parents will provide transportation as needed. Natick High Athletic Director Tim Collins will immediately report all positive COVID cases to the school principal, and opposing schools.

Social-distancing measures include small pods of athletes at practices, no use of locker rooms, no student spectators and no team social events, like parties and banquets.

Face masks will be worn during practices and games, hand sanitizer is available at all practices and games, and athletic equipment is disinfected before and after use by each participant.

Henry Schwan is a multimedia journalist for the Daily News. Follow Henry on Twitter @henrymetrowest. He can be reached at hschwan@wickedlocal.com or 508-626-3964.


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