Home Latest Nationwide protest against farm bills begins from today

Nationwide protest against farm bills begins from today

Nationwide protest against farm bills begins from today


The Congress has decided to launch a nationwide protest from Thursday against the two agricultural reform bills passed by Parliament recently.

The decision for a nationwide agitation was taken at a meeting of general secretaries and in-charge of states which was held at Congress party’s headquarters in Delhi.

“From September 24 onwards, Congress will launch an all-India agitation asking the government to repeal the black laws,” Congress leader AK Antony told media after the meeting on Wednesday.

The two bills – the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020 and the Farming Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020 – were passed by the Rajya Sabha despite uproar and strong protest by the Opposition parties in the house.

These bills have already received Lok Sabha’s nod and are now with President Ram Nath Kovind. The Opposition parties have urged the President to not give approval to these bills. They want the government to take back the bills.

Several leaders and different party workers along with farmers have taken to street across India to protest against the bills.

The Opposition on Tuesday even boycotted Parliament over Centre’s refusal to accept its demand for withdrawal of the bills.


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