Home FEATURED NEWS NDA or I.N.D.I.A? BSP chief Mayawati on becoming a member of alliance for 2024 | Latest News India

NDA or I.N.D.I.A? BSP chief Mayawati on becoming a member of alliance for 2024 | Latest News India



BSP chief Mayawati on Wednesday introduced that her social gathering will go it alone within the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in addition to in Assembly polls in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Telangana.

BSP chief Mayawati (HT File Photo)

In a press release right here, Mayawati mentioned the BSP was open to tie-ups with regional events in Punjab and Haryana, offered they don’t have any truck with the ruling NDA alliance or the newly fashioned opposition coalition ‘INDIA’.

The former Uttar Pradesh chief minister slammed the NDA in addition to the newly fashioned opposition coalition, alleging neither of them was beneficial to the Dalits and the oppressed courses.

While the BJP-led NDA and the Congress-led INDIA alliance had been strengthening themselves, BSP too was holding closed-door conferences of social gathering employees throughout the nation, Mayawati mentioned.

She mentioned the oppressed courses has to assist the BSP because the Congress adopted a “casteist mindset and ignored their demands”.

“Had the Congress kept aside its casteist and capitalist mindset, worked towards the welfare of the poor and the oppressed and listened to B R Ambedkar, the need to form the BSP would not have arisen,” Mayawati mentioned.lso

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