Home FEATURED NEWS NDTV Exclusive, Harish Salve: False Narrative On Democracy Created Mostly Within India: Harish Salve

NDTV Exclusive, Harish Salve: False Narrative On Democracy Created Mostly Within India: Harish Salve



Mr Salve additionally referred to as the freebie tradition the “worst kind of politics”

New Delhi:

False narratives about “the death of democracy” and free speech in India are aimed toward stalling the nation’s progress and are rising largely from throughout the nation, former Solicitor General of India Harish Salve has stated in an unique interview.

In dialog with NDTV’s Editor-in-Chief Sanjay Pugalia as a part of a particular sequence to mark the 77th Independence Day, Harish Salve additionally defined India’s robust push for the extradition of Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallya, tying in with the continued negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the UK.

Speaking concerning the anti-entrepreneurial mindset of “vested interests”, Harish Salve stated at this time courts have been being utilized by nations to try to stall India’s progress.

“The perception of India is changing, and no country would like any country to outpace them. For example, our biggest ‘friend’ China – India is in direct economic conflict with it – these countries try to use the courts,” stated Mr Salve, some of the wanted legal professionals in India.

“Nobody can say anything about India’s economic progress. So, a narrative is created about India – “democracy is lifeless in India”. That you are able to stand in India and say ‘democracy is dead’ is biggest proof that democracy is alive…Unfortunately, the narrative is being created mostly from India.”

India, he stated, was on the negotiating desk “on equal footing” with the UK on a Free Trade Agreement.

On the commerce talks taking extra time than anticipated, Mr Salve stated in its efforts to carry again fugitives like Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallya, India was pushing the UK to speed up the method.

“The problem in the UK is that the first step to extradition, which is judicial, is done for both Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallya. The final step has to be taken, now that all legal steps are completed. But now there is some asylum claim…”

India, he stated, is engaged in arduous negotiations for the FTA and its stance was appropriate. “Today we are at the negotiating table on equal terms, so it is taking time,” he asserted.

The senior lawyer stated UK’s eagerness to signal the FTA with India was inconsistent with the delay over sending fugitives to India.

“I know that whenever there is a high-level meeting, (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi asks, ‘Where are they? Why should UK become the home for Indian fugitives?’. Then they (UK) talk about FTA with India. It is inconsistent.”

In the wide-ranging interview, Mr Salve additionally talked concerning the latest Supreme Court reprieve for Rahul Gandhi and the allegations of the Congress utilizing freebies for votes.

The language utilized by Rahul Gandhi in his “Modi surname” remark was exceptionally disrespectful, he stated, including that the Supreme Court’s determination to droop the Congress chief’s conviction was pushed not by the deserves of the case however by considerations for his constituency.

“Whether Rahul Gandhi should be convicted or not is a different issue. But the highly disrespectful manner of talking… you are making false accusations and then you say I am in public life…Everyone knows, however much he denies it, he dreams of becoming prime minister. Is this his stature to use this sort of language?” Harish Salve questioned.

“Supreme Court judges said what he said was wrong and it is not right to talk like this. But the conviction was stayed because the constituency should not go unrepresented until there is a decision on his appeal (against conviction). That is why it was stayed, not on merits,” Mr Salve remarked.

Mr Salve additionally spoke concerning the politics of freebies, calling the freebie tradition the “worst kind of politics” and a type of corruption.

“This is not a distortion, it is a type of corruption. You give out the taxpayer’s money with both hands, to win an election. There cannot be worse politics than this,” Mr Salve stated, citing the Congress’s five-guarantee promise in Karnataka.

“Karnataka Chief Minister told MLAs… we can’t do your development projects as we have to fulfill promises….Taxpayer’s Rs 40,000 crore is being spent on those.”

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