Home Latest New-age job on the block: An alligator hunter

New-age job on the block: An alligator hunter

New-age job on the block: An alligator hunter


There’s a new “new-age” job on the block — of that of a nuisance alligator trapper.

Applicants for the position of “nuisance alligator trapper” are being solicited by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Division of Hunting and Game Management.

There is a name to the initiative too — Statewide Nuisance Alligator Programme, otherwise known as SNAP, that contracts with private individuals to lawfully respond to and remove “specific nuisance alligators.”

The job is not full-time, however, and compensation is not necessarily what one would expect.

The FWC emphasises that income earned from being a nuisance alligator trapper may be insufficient to fully support an individual or family, adding that most trappers have additional sources of income. “Nuisance alligator trappers are primarily compensated by their marketing and sale of alligator products (hides and meat) from nuisance alligators taken,” the FWC said. 

The Florida FWC has a few specifications too. The candidate must be able to supply any equipment necessary to take alligators; have a record of adherence to fish and wildlife regulations and have no criminal history; and should assume personal liability for health, welfare and safety of themselves and their trapping agents.

The Florida FWC’s call for nuisance alligator trappers coincides with recent alligator attacks, including an attack on a Florida woman.


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