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New director of sport at Oswestry School

New director of sport at Oswestry School


The headmaster of Oswestry School has announced the appointment of a new director of sport from September 2020.

Mr Leaver has been a PE teacher for 17 years, 12 of those as a director of sport at other schools. His love of sport stems from his time as a student, and having completed his degree in sports science, Oliver completed his PGCE.

His first appointment was at a secondary school in Staffordshire, and from there he moved to the Middle East and taught in Kuwait for seven years as director of sport at TES, a British independent school.

His next career step took him to Asia at Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi where he was assistant head of co-curricular, enrichment, and director of sport.

He said: “Apart from the clear benefits that healthy and regular exercise has, I believe PE is important because if gives pupils a release from the classroom with an opportunity to interact, let off steam, be part of a team, contribute to a shared goal, and gain the physical, mental, and social benefits that come from physical education.

“My vision is to make Oswestry School the stand-out school for sport in Shropshire, developing a strong sporting ethos, core values, and a love of sports that runs through the school from Bellan House to the sixth form.”


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