Home Latest New exhibits at the Fleet Science Center explore technology — the good, the bad and the scary

New exhibits at the Fleet Science Center explore technology — the good, the bad and the scary

New exhibits at the Fleet Science Center explore technology — the good, the bad and the scary


If you were an animal, would you be a cat or a dog? If you were a color, which one would you be? Which superhero are you? Can we have your email address? Your photo? Your name? Your credit card?

Welcome to the busy interactive world of the Fleet Science Center’s new “Digital Me” exhibit, where visitors can take fun personality quizzes, experiment with artificial intelligence and watch as their digital faces become a public work of art.

And while they’re clicking and posing, the exhibit will help them ponder one of the more pressing question of our digital age: Should I be enchanted or spooked?

The “Digital Me” answer is: “Yes.” On both counts.

“This just feels very topical, because it is all about things that are happening in the world on a regular basis,” said Karla Nafarrate, the Fleet’s marketing and communications manager.

“After the pandemic, our main mode of communication was digital. We were streaming everything, and we were on Zoom all the time. That was the way we were connecting. But the internet can be a very scary place. It can be very useful, but there are a lot of things people don’t take into consideration.”

This state-of-the-art exhibition from the Israel National Museum of Science, Technology, and Space is making its world premiere at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park. And in keeping with the “Digital Me” blend of amusement and advocacy, your experience starts with a typical modern-day trade-off.

Something fun from them in exchange for something personal from you.

If you check in at one of the many colorful screen stations at the exhibit’s entrance, your image will be captured by facial recognition technology. The information will be used to track you throughout the exhibit. When you visit another screen on the way out, it will read your face (even with a mask), and then it will remind you of the results of those fun little quizzes you took and show you all of the photos that were taken of you during your visit.

Because this is an examination of the Internet and not the Internet itself, the only information you have to divulge is a name, which you are free to make up. No one will be asking for your credit card or your email address. The Fleet will not be sharing your name or your image with anyone, and all information will be deleted once you exit the exhibit.

You can also opt out of registering and still take the quizzes and create vacation photos from places you’ve never been to. But if you don’t register, you will miss the opportunity to see how every online movement you make is being followed by somebody. Or many somebodies.

“There are definitely two experiences. You have the kid experience and the adult experience,” Nafarrate said. “For the kids, it’s interactive and engaging. It’s just fun. For adults, it helps us see and understand what a digital footprint is, and what you should consider when you are clicking on all of these different things.

“What we’re trying to share in this fun way is, ‘Hey, maybe you should think about your digital self and how all of this effects you on a daily basis.’”

The experience is enlightening and vaguely creepy. It also offers parents the perfect opening to give their kids a refresher talk about online safety, the impact of social media and why seeing something on the Internet doesn’t make it true.

Whether you are chuckling over the hilariously on-point “User Agreement” projected on the wall (“This agreement, which you’ve probably agreed to without thinking twice because you were in a hurry … “); testing your own facial-recognition prowess in the “Good or Bad” quiz (Hint: Faces can be deceiving); or absorbing one of the many fascinating/frightening factoids posted throughout the exhibit (Because of camera lens distortion, the nose looks about 30 percent larger in selfies. Which explains a lot.), you will be doing a lot of deep thinking about what the digital world is doing to your real self.

And when all of that technology gets to be too much, you can mosey over to the Fleet’s other new exhibit, which will remind you that innovation can be magical.

In “Mechanics Alive!,” the building blocks of engineering — gears, cranks, ratchets, linkages — are brought to sly, whimsical life through toy-like mechanical sculptures known as automata. They’re small, but their scientific significance is mighty.

Whether it’s a lion tamer barely escaping the jaws of death, a goat playing a torturously loud piano, or the thing of beauty that is a steampunk Pegasus, “Mechanics Alive” is a low-tech tribute to the human curiosity that makes all technologies — the old, the new, and the yet-to-be-discovered — possible.

You can’t have one without the other.

“In ‘Mechanics Alive,’ you get to explore the basics of engineering in a very engaging way,” Nafarrate said. “Gears and cranks and levers are still technologies that we utilize on a regular basis, but adults can look at these pieces and be amazed, and kids can look at them and be amazed.

“And they may not realize it, but they’re learning while they’re having fun.”

The “Digital Me” and “Mechanics Alive” exhibitions will be at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park through January of 2022. Materials for both exhibitions are written in English and Spanish. fleetscience.org


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