Home Latest New technology at Winnipeg airport uses UV-C light to sanitize

New technology at Winnipeg airport uses UV-C light to sanitize

New technology at Winnipeg airport uses UV-C light to sanitize


The Winnipeg Richardson International Airport has increased it’s cleaning measures with the addition of a new, high-tech handrail sterilizer in the Arrivals Hall.

Surfaces that are often touched have a higher rate of transmitting germs of any kind, including the handrail of an escalator. This new technology is the first one installed in Canada.

This week Otis Canada installed the UV-C light under the handrail which emit strong ultraviolet wavelengths via four LEDs. 

The LED UV-C light is proven to destroy 99.99% of harmful bacteria, according to Winnipeg Airport Authority (WAA).

The airport has safety and health measures that have been implemented since the beginning of the pandemic and the WAA says they continue to evolve in best practices to keep travellers safe. 

Barry Rempel, President and CEO of WAA, says, “Every traveller, visitor or airport employee who enters the terminal can have full confidence the facility is clean and made available to them in a way which strives, always, to ensure their safety.”

UV-C light installed under handrails in Winnipeg's airport. (Supplied)



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