Home Entertainment No more congregating at bars under new protocols

No more congregating at bars under new protocols

No more congregating at bars under new protocols


Bars and entertainment venues across the island will take on new looks as they adapt to the ‘new normal’.

The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI), has provided a set of protocols to guide the general operations of these establishments to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

No Congregating

Congregating at bars will be a thing of the past.

The recently released guidelines stipulate that there be a physical distance of approximately 40-square feet per person.

The new capacities of bars will now be based on that recommendation and establishments are expected to post signage listing their new maximum capacity. There is also to be three-feet floor markers to maintain social distancing in lines while furniture in reception areas is to be rearranged to allow for physical distancing.

No Shared Amenities

Patrons will no longer enjoy self-service amenities such as complimentary mints, toothpicks or even matches as the new protocols require all such items to be removed.


For venues which host social or cultural events a 12-feet distance is to be maintained between performers and patrons. All microphones are to be sanitized prior to each use for musical activity and there is the recommendation that separate microphones be used for performers and MCs.

Sanitisation, Face coverings and Temperature checks

The customary protocols of hand sanitisation, wearing of face masks and temperature scanning before entry also apply for these establishments.  

The full list of protocols can be accessed here.


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