Home Latest Now, IT professionals can upskill on cloud technologies for free of cost as Cloud DevJam program gets extended till Dec 2020

Now, IT professionals can upskill on cloud technologies for free of cost as Cloud DevJam program gets extended till Dec 2020

Now, IT professionals can upskill on cloud technologies for free of cost as Cloud DevJam program gets extended till Dec 2020


New Delhi: About 90% of the Indian technologists believe that certifications in cloud computing will improve their career prospects, as per a survey conducted by TechGig, India’s biggest developer community. Further, 28% of the respondents said that they were already upskilling on cloud computing (through various mediums) to ensure career progression.

The rising demand for cloud technologies prompted TechGig and Google Cloud to extend their cloud learning program – Cloud DevJam – till the end of 2020. Cloud DevJam, a free-to-register upskilling program was launched in May 2020 to help IT professionals learn cloud computing, and has more than 65,768 active learners in a span of just 3 months. This number clearly indicates that Indian IT professionals are keen on learning new-age technologies.

At Cloud DevJam, the learning journey is broken down into different milestones, using a combination of activities like webinars, hands-on labs, contests, hackathons are launched to help one grasp the cloud concepts and complete one milestone, after the other.

The first leg of the program which kicked off in May 2020 focussed on an array of Google Cloud topics including Core Infrastructure, Data & Machine Learning, Application Development and more. With the extension till December 2020, the Cloud DevJam program now delves deeper into more specific learning such as Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine, Data Warehouse modernisation with BigQuery, and migrating to Google Cloud.

The program is also known for offering Qwiklabs subscriptions to participants, which provide a real cloud environment to learn cloud platforms and software, such as Firebase, Kubernetes and others.

In the words of Ankit Mahapatra, one of the active learners, say that the Qwiklabs subscriptions are the best part of the program. “I am glad I came across the Cloud DevJam program. Its QwikLabs subscriptions are helping me try out pretty much all the breadth of services Google Cloud Platform”.

Another participant Sourav Dey said that this program has made his learning amazing. “Thanks for making cloud learning easy for us with all the opportunities like Google Cloud OnAir, Qwiklabs skill badges and Cloud Study Jam”.

Arnab Nandy, who is a Full Stack Java Developer and a participant at Cloud DevJam mentioned that the program was helping him enjoy and learn cloud techniques. “Google made it possible to learn cloud with a really great way through hands-on practice in Qwiklabs,” he said.

Sanjay Goyal, Business Head, TimesJobs and TechGig said, “Cloud DevJam is a unique opportunity for technologists to explore, learn, and upskill on the Google Cloud Platform. I’m extremely proud to announce this program’s extension which will enable developers to learn more and deep-dive into concepts. I welcome all the IT professionals to participate in the ‘Cloud DevJam’ program and leverage this learning opportunity.”

Anil Bhansali, VP Engineering and Head India Development Center, Google Cloud added, “Cloud computing is the future of technology. It is great to see that the Cloud DevJam is now getting extended so more developers can learn, upskill, and progress in their careers. As the market dynamics change, it’s important to stay up to date and prepare for what’s next.”

The Cloud DevJam program is among the popular programs at TechGig with IT professionals proudly showing their badges, certificates, and other laurels on social media with #CloudDevJam.



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