Home Latest Now, Trump drops off Forbes list amid pandemic downturn

Now, Trump drops off Forbes list amid pandemic downturn

Now, Trump drops off Forbes list amid pandemic downturn


Former US President Donald Trump dropped off the Forbes rich list in America as the magazine said his fortunes took a major hit as the pandemic hit the ex-president’s big properties.

The report added that Trump is $400 million short of the target to make it to the list as his net worth reportedly dived by $600 million.

The magazine which released its list of 400 wealthiest Americans informed that Trump didn’t make it to the list for the first time since 1996. Forbes stated that the bulk of Trump’s fortune came from New York City real estate.

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The famous billionaire also owns golf courses with his current net worth is estimated at $2.5 billion. However, Forbes had set  $2.9 billion as the cutoff to enter the list and the former president fell short. Trump was ranked No. 399 on the list last year.

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Talk show celebrity Oprah Winfrey was also knocked off the list as she was assessed to be worth $2.6 billion.

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Amazon founder Jeff Bezos continued to dominate the list with his net worth estimated to be at $201 billion followed by his rival SpaceX chief Elon Musk who is worth $190.5 billion and Facebook Mark Zuckerberg founder at $134.5 billion.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates was ranked No: 4 in the list with a net worth of $134 billion with Google founder Larry Page ranked at No: 5 with an estimated net worth of $123 billion.

Page’s colleague Google co-founder Sergey Brin was ranked No-6 with an estimated net worth of $118.5 billion. Oracle’s Larry Ellison, Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffet, Steve Ballmer and Michael Bloomberg also made it to the top-10 list.

(With inputs from Agencies)



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