Home Entertainment On tape, Sandip Ssingh’s staff give evasive replies; is Sushant’s ‘friend’ avoiding media? – Republic World

On tape, Sandip Ssingh’s staff give evasive replies; is Sushant’s ‘friend’ avoiding media? – Republic World

On tape, Sandip Ssingh’s staff give evasive replies; is Sushant’s ‘friend’ avoiding media? – Republic World


Sushant Singh Rajput’s ‘close friend’ Sandip Ssingh has been under scrutiny for his contradictory statements and activities, some of them caught on camera, at the late star’s home and also at Cooper Hospital, where the post-mortem was conducted.  And now it seems that he is trying to avoid the media as well. In another Republic TV  sting operation, it was informed that he was not at home, and his staff was not aware of his whereabouts.    

READ: Sandip Ssingh Turns Off Comments On His Sushant Singh Rajput Posts Amid Lens In Case

Sandip Ssingh ‘not available’

In the second sting in the span of three days, the Republic SIT team reached Sandip’s residence. Two persons at the producer’s home, who seemed to be his staff, claimed that he was not at home. When probed further, one of them said, “I am not lying.”

When asked if there was any way to contact him, where he had gone or if it was there at home, the person said, “Don’t know anything.”  They avoided a proper answer when asked how they were related to Sandip.   

The duo looked hesitant, and closed the door first on seeing the reporter, and did not open the door fully and kept giving evasive replies. Later, the reporter was asked to go down and make an entry in the register. The security supervisor also kept asking if the reporter had Sandip’s number, and also stated that he was also not aware if Sandip was present at home or not. 

READ:Sushant’s On-screen Dad Deepak Qazir Asks Why Flat Was Not Sealed, Questions Sandip’s Role

A similar scene had played out in the sting operation at the venue on Saturday, where the reporter was not allowed to go to his flat.  

With Sandip also not answering calls, the question that arises if he is avoiding the media or if he has left the city.

Sandip conducted most of the formalities of Sushant’s death, right from arriving at the crime scene, being present in the ambulance that took SSR’s body, signing some of the documents, and guiding Sushant’s sister.

 However, numerous of his statements and activities have been termed suspicious. None of Sushant’s friends or family members have ever seen Sandip, while his insistence on the BMC-run Cooper Hospital, and ordering people around have come under scrutiny, as claimed by those related to Sushant. As per sources, CBI is likely to question him in the case.

READ:Sandip Ssingh Spoke Of Call From Dubai; Asked Cop To Evict Me, Claims Eyewitness

READ:Sushant Death Case: Eyewitness Cites Mumbai Police’s ‘inaction’; Calls Out Sandip Ssingh



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