Home Latest One cent sales tax referendum would increase access to technology for Richmond County students

One cent sales tax referendum would increase access to technology for Richmond County students

One cent sales tax referendum would increase access to technology for Richmond County students


RICHMOND COUNTY – The sales tax would raise about $230 million dollars over the next five years. Richmond County Schools Chief financial officer Bobby Smith said it would provide funds in a key area — technology.

“Most of our students are under-served and they don’t have technology and laptops to do the lessons,” Smith said.

$24 million dollars would go towards new technology for students.

” So our goal with that is to ensure that we have enough technology in the hands of our students. Our ultimate goal is to have a laptop for every student in the Richmond county school system. So any kind of virtual learning or learning from home we can send that student home with a laptop, ” Smith said.

The funds will also help meet the need of the increased student population with the creation of two new schools in the county.

” Between two new schools and a very significant renovation of the academy of Richmond county we’re looking for new schools to come online and meet the need of the student population growth,” Sue Parr, President of the Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce said.

Voters will be able to decide whether to support the referendum on November 3.


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