Home Latest OneTo11 decodes future of Fantasy Sports Enthusiasts in Decentralized Economy

OneTo11 decodes future of Fantasy Sports Enthusiasts in Decentralized Economy

OneTo11 decodes future of Fantasy Sports Enthusiasts in Decentralized Economy


Fantasy sports and video games are a vast and continuously growing market, but for years, there has been an elephant in the room. There are over 2.7 billion gamers globally who invest massive amounts in online games. The trouble is, when they stop playing, they cannot take their money out of the game. As a consequence, they have zero return on their investment.

The introduction of blockchain and a decentralized economy into the world of gaming and fantasy sports is resolving this problem, and OneTo11 is helping broader blockchain adoption via games.


As India’s first blockchain-based social networking fantasy gaming application, OneTo11 is breaking new ground. They are not only offering gamers the chance to build a significant return on their investment which they can transfer from one game to another through a decentralized economy, but they are also tapping into the $90 billion sports market with their revolutionary approach to fantasy sports.

A OneTo11 spokesperson explained, “We aim to not only bring games and fantasy sports enthusiasts together on a platform where they can interact, create, and share, but by creating a blockchain-based sports and gaming platform that is capable of NFT creation and trading, we aim to move gaming into a decentralized economy which will offer them a far more rewarding experience and more return for their investment.”


By using blockchain technology on their platform, OneTo11 offers users decentralized financial activities that reward them for their time, attention, and investment. Founded by serial entrepreneurs Ravi, Manasvi, Tirath, and Anirban, the Delhi (India)-based company OneTo11 has grown to 1 million users in the past eleven months, with more than 12 million transactions on the platform. The

OneTo11 spokesperson added, “In India alone, 800 million smartphone users are looking to play games on their device. In a decentralized economy, they will receive a tangible return on their investment. At the moment, the blockchain gaming market is relatively small, but it’s about to explode. Now is exactly the right time to get in on the action.”


Disclaimer: No Deccan Chronicle journalist was involved in creating this content. The group also takes no responsibility for this content.


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