Home FEATURED NEWS Opinion: India’s ‘homicide most foul’ has a chilling subtext

Opinion: India’s ‘homicide most foul’ has a chilling subtext



Editor’s Note: Akanksha Singh is a Mumbai-based journalist protecting politics and social justice. She has written for the BBC, The Independent and South China Morning Post, among others. The views expressed on this commentary are her personal. View extra opinion on CNN.


In latest weeks, India has been gripped by the ghastly homicide circumstances of two ladies. Yet once more, nevertheless, the breathless media protection has overlooked an even bigger image.

Akanksha Singh.

The homicide of 26-year-old Shraddha Walker has made entrance web page information throughout the nation on account of its ugly nature. According to police, Walker’s associate Aftab Poonawala strangled her, minimize her physique into items and saved them in his fridge, earlier than scattering them throughout components of New Delhi.

Poonawala confessed in courtroom to killing Walker, reportedly claiming he acted “in the heat of the moment.”

Since the case got here to gentle, Indian media has prodded it from each potential angle, together with utilizing the couple’s totally different faiths to gas a “love jihad” narrative – the right-wing conspiracy principle that Hindu ladies are “lured” into relationships by Muslim males.

No stone has been left unturned within the click-bait protection. Poonawala was apparently “inspired by” the TV sequence “Dexter,” which encompasses a forensic specialist who moonlights as a serial killer. And the couple met on Bumble, a well-liked courting app. A subsequent piece coated the case from this angle, noting that the homicide has prompted ladies to delete courting apps whereas “experts blame [these] platforms.”

As a single lady, and as a journalist, these brash, un-nuanced takes are extremely irritating to learn.

Why is the onus of ladies’s security solely on ladies? Why is it really easy to call and blame every part besides the apparent? The subject right here will not be with the apps, or with the TV sequence, however with India’s deeply patriarchal society, which provides ladies little to no company.

It is in opposition to this backdrop that violent murderers like Poonawala emerge.

Walkar had beforehand flagged concerns for her safety with the Mumbai Police in 2020, however withdrew her preliminary criticism on a follow-up police go to.

While such actions should not unusual amongst victims of intimate associate violence, this facet of the case – that Walker was allegedly already a sufferer of intimate associate violence – has been overshadowed by extra sensationalist narratives.

According to the British Medical Journal, one in three Indian ladies is prone to have been subjected to intimate associate violence. But just one in 10 of those ladies formally report it.

India will not be alone. Globally, according to UN chief António Guterres, each 11 minutes, a lady or lady is killed by an intimate associate or member of the family.

Other comparable – equally gory – circumstances have made latest headlines in India too. Aayushi Chaudhary, a 21-year-old Indian lady, was reportedly discovered murdered along with her physique stuffed in a suitcase.

Police have arrested her dad and mom reportedly in connection to a suspected “honor killing,” a time period used to explain murders the place the sufferer has introduced “shame” to their household, usually by selecting to marry exterior their religion or caste.

In India, honor killings claimed 145 lives between 2017 and 2019, based on the Union Minister of State for Home Affairs (the actual number is believed to be greater).

But all these tales level to the identical underlying subject: management over ladies by means of patriarchy. If it takes ugly headlines to begin a dialog about violence in opposition to ladies, how are we ever going to handle the position males play in perpetrating this violence?

How are we going to debate the methods violence fluctuates alongside strains of sophistication, sexual orientation or caste? (In India, 54% of Dalit women, the group of individuals most oppressed by centuries previous caste hierarchy, reported being bodily assaulted and 23% reported being raped.) Will we ever be capable to handle the minutiae of aggressions ladies face within the office?

Even as a single lady with a good quantity of privilege, I’m always bewildered by the highway bumps I face dwelling in India.

When I moved to Mumbai over 4 years in the past, I used to be shocked at how tough it was to search out and hire a flat as a result of I used to be single. “The landlord’s saying he won’t rent to a single girl,” my dealer instructed me on the time. “It’s seen as… too dangerous.” What the hazard was or is stays unclear to me until date.

But that is an impediment every single woman faces on this self-branded “city of dreams,” exacerbated by components similar to age, religion, caste, sexual orientation and gender expression.

Due to cultural and social beliefs and economic setbacks, most Indians dwell at residence in “joint families.” It’s widespread to see a bride go away her dad and mom’ and transfer in along with her husband’s whole household after marriage, for instance.

Which is why, for essentially the most half, the liberty to roam continues to be restricted to these ladies who can afford that privilege. Walker was basically punished by the media for selecting to dwell life on her personal phrases, and her selections proceed to be dissected by the press.

She selected to discover a associate of her personal on a courting app; she selected to remain in her interfaith partnership regardless of her dad and mom’ objections; she selected to “live-in” along with her associate. The subtext in how this has been coated is evident: serves her proper for going in opposition to her dad and mom, in opposition to the bigger values of Indian society.

The failed “love marriage” (the place a lady has chosen her personal associate, as an alternative of an “arranged marriage”) can also be a cautionary story whispered by aged aunties and grandmothers to the youthful ladies of their lives.

Women are always anticipated to defend their option to be single, single and child-free. When I inform married individuals I’ve unlearned the thought of settling down with somebody as a life milestone, I’m ceaselessly instructed it’s only a section I’m going by means of or that I merely haven’t discovered the precise particular person but.

But I’m not alone, with an growing variety of ladies selecting to be single (each in India and globally).

Perhaps if Indian society involved itself extra with how its males are reared than why ladies are selecting to dwell life otherwise at this time, these conversations wouldn’t must observe the tragic deaths of two younger ladies.

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