Home Health Our Future Health is investigating inaccurate ldl cholesterol readings

Our Future Health is investigating inaccurate ldl cholesterol readings

Our Future Health is investigating inaccurate ldl cholesterol readings


  1. Iain Turnbull, senior medical adviser and deputy chief medical officer,
  2. Raghib Ali, chief investigator and chief medical officer
  1. Our Future Health, London, UK
  1. iain.turnbull{at}ourfuturehealth.org.uk

Our Future Health is the UK’s largest ever well being analysis programme. It goals to recruit a consultant cohort of as much as 5 million members and allow analysis that can promote earlier detection, prevention, and remedy of illness.

We file key bodily measurements, together with blood strain and ldl cholesterol, throughout GP appointments. Other household and sociodemographic elements are gathered in a questionnaire for estimation …

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