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Our Technology Future: SkyNet… or the Stone Age?

Our Technology Future: SkyNet… or the Stone Age?


I’m having a bad day. First I couldn’t figure out how to auto-post Bacon’s Rebellion posts to Facebook. OK, I’m technically challenged, so I’ll hire someone to do it. Then I updated WordPress, which I do know how to do, but all the comments disappeared. I didn’t know how to fix that but, thankfully, my Internet host provider did.

Now my iPhone battery has died.

It’s the old Can’t-fix-A-because-of-B, and Can’t-fix-B-because-of-C problem.

To get a new battery installed, I went online to set up an appointment at the Richmond Apple Store. To set up an Apple store appointment, I needed to schedule an appointment online. When I tried to schedule an appointment, Apple asked for my username and password. I provided those. Then Apple required a double authentication. It wanted to send me a verification code to my iPhone. My iPhone was dead, so I couldn’t get the code.

Apple offered these three alternatives:

All dead ends.

Apple failed to consider the possibility — which must happen, oh, millions of times a year!!! — that their customer’s friggin’ battery has died.

And to think that Apple is now a $2 trillion company.

Such is the world we live in, ladies and gentlemen. I don’t worry about computers and AI taking over the world. I worry about our technology-dependent civilization getting so complex with so many bugs and feedback loops that one day the whole thing collapses us back to the Stone Age…. with the added disadvantage that none of us knows how to survive the Stone Age.


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