Home Latest Pakistan stops clearing payments, salaries of govt departments

Pakistan stops clearing payments, salaries of govt departments

Pakistan stops clearing payments, salaries of govt departments



In the wake of lingering financial and monetary difficulties, the Pakistan Finance Ministry has directed the Accountant General Pakistan Revenues (AGPR) to cease clearing the payments of the federal ministries/divisions and hooked up departments until additional orders, it’s learnt.

Even the clearance of wage payments has additionally been stopped. According to native media reviews, the operational value associated releases confronted difficulties primarily due to lingering monetary difficulties being confronted by the nation.

According to reviews, when officers went to the AGPR for clearance of their excellent payments they had been knowledgeable that the Ministry of Finance had directed them to cease clearing all of the payments, together with the salaries, due to the prevailing troublesome monetary positions.

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif Wednesday unveiled a bunch of austerity measures to save lots of 200 billion PKR – aimed to maintain the nation afloat because the nation buckles as much as meet the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) circumstances.

Pakistan is determined to unlock the following tranche value $1.1 billion mortgage facility with the IMF however is struggling to fulfill powerful circumstances set by the worldwide financier.

The IMF is demanding that Pakistan boosts its pitifully low tax base, finish exemptions for the export sector, and lift artificially low vitality costs that should assist poor households.

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The nation is in dire want of funds because it battles a wrenching financial disaster because the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) – held international alternate reserves barely cowl one month of imports.

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