Home FEATURED NEWS Pakistan Tried To “Backstab” India: PM During Tribute To Kargil Heroes

Pakistan Tried To “Backstab” India: PM During Tribute To Kargil Heroes

Pakistan Tried To “Backstab” India: PM During Tribute To Kargil Heroes


New Delhi:

Pakistan tried to “backstab” India despite her attempts to keep friendly relations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today in his tribute to the armed forces on the 21st anniversary of Kargil war.  In his monthly radio address Mann ki Baat, PM Modi said “Pakistan undertook this misadventure with sinister plans to capture India’s land and to divert its ongoing internal conflicts”.

At the time, India was trying to have “cordial relations with Pakistan” he said.

“But it is said it is the nature of the wicked to have enmity with everyone for no reason. People of such nature think evil even of those who do good to them. That is why in response to India’s friendly efforts, Pakistan tried to backstab India. But the world witnessed the valour and strength of India’s brave forces.” the Prime Minister said.

“You can imagine, the enemy was perched high on the mountains while our forces were fighting them from below. But the high morale and true of our forces won against mountains,” he added.

“Thanks to the courage of our armed forces, India showed great strength in Kargil,” PM Modi said, recalling his own visit to the area.
Kargil Diwas  is celebrated every year, marking the day the Indian Army recaptured all the Indian posts in Ladakh’s Kargil that had been occupied by Pakistan’s army 21 years ago.

On July 26, 1999, the Indian Army had announced the successful culmination of “Operation Vijay”, declaring victory after the nearly three-month-long battles in the icy heights. The country lost more than 500 soldiers in the war.

Earlier today, defence minister Rajnath Singh, his junior minister Shripad Naik, Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, Army Chief General M M Naravane, Air Chief Marshal R K S Bhadauria and Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh also paid tributes at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at the National War Memorial.


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