Home Latest Parents, student-athletes ask Wausau School District for sports this fall

Parents, student-athletes ask Wausau School District for sports this fall

Parents, student-athletes ask Wausau School District for sports this fall


WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) – Many parents and student-athletes are frustrated the Wausau School District hasn’t made a decision about whether or not sports and extracurricular activities will be happening for the fall.

Parents and student-athletes have flooded NewsChannel 7 and the Wausau School District with about a dozen emails asking for a decision and to have fall sports.

They’re worried the district’s lack of decision right now could mean no sports at all.

“It’s just time for things to go back to normal, that we can get into that routine because a lot of people without a routine, they aren’t really doing anything,” Wausau East High School Swim and Lacrosse Senior Olivia Richetto said.

For many Wausau School District athletes and parents, a school year without sports is unimaginable.

“We want to have sports because it keeps us connected as a family and as a whole,” Wausau East High School Swim and Cheer Junior Philine Bovet said. “For a lot of us, it helps us mentally, like it helps us relieve anger and stress, and it’s also fun.”

Despite COVID-19 concerns, students and parents say they can play their season safely if it’s done right.

“I guess with the WIAA feeling that it can be done with what they have passed, I feel that it’s possible if we take the right protocols to do that,” Wausau East High School parent Scott Buchberger said.

That’s why athletes and parents have been emailing the school board and district administration pleading for a sports season, but the power of the pen is only so strong and the district ultimately gets the final call.

“I don’t think the school board really sees how much sports help students, like what it really does,” Bovet said. “In my opinion, I think the school board just sees ‘oh they just want to compete, they just wanna get out of the house’ well no, it helps mental health, it helps you physically.”

Athletes said if they do get to play, they’re willing to do whatever they can to get a season while staying healthy.

For many athletes, it plays a big role in their high school experience.

“I want to have sports because I want to go somewhere with sports and I think it’s a big part of people’s lives,” Wausau East High School Football Junior Dylan Buchberger said.

Whether it’s wearing face coverings, social distancing, or taking other miscellaneous safety precautions, athletes will do what they can to get sports back.

“Sports is always a choice, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, so I feel like that’s also a reason the students and the parents should get more of say,” Richetto said.

NewsChannel 7 reached out to the Wausau School district on Thursday, Aug. 20 and was told they are still in the process of making a decision about fall sports and are unsure of when one will be made.

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