Home Latest PCC instructors say it’s important for kids to learn new technology before beginning online learning

PCC instructors say it’s important for kids to learn new technology before beginning online learning

PCC instructors say it’s important for kids to learn new technology before beginning online learning


PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) – Two Portland Community College instructors have put together a number of videos on how to do online learning well. They said part of that means making sure kids have the right technology and it’s working correctly.

The videos are by Jessica Bernards and Wendy Fresh. They’re creating a series of them for fourth graders up to college-aged students.

One of the videos mentions setting aside time to learn new technology.

Bernards and Fresh said students should use the device to log onto a class early and make sure everything is working properly and they know where everything is.

They said if an internet connection is slow, try turning off the video camera if the teacher will allow it. They said this can help with lagging video.

If a student runs into any technology issues they can’t fix, the instructors said talk with a teacher right away.

“It is a new thing for everybody and your teacher as well, so your teacher understands and if you have an issue with technology, you know, have a backup plan to your backup plan that’s one thing that we really stress,” said PCC Instructor, Wendy Fresh. “If even that doesn’t work, still reach out to your teacher, because they want to help you.”

Bernards and Fresh also said a student should check everything they turn in online to make sure it’s submitted correctly.

They said while technology can and will likely fail, they said it’s still the responsibility of the student to make sure an assignment gets to the teacher.

The instructors also have a video teaching students how to use scan apps and turn assignments into PDF’s. They said they’ll make more videos as topics pop up this school year.

To see the videos, click here.

RELATED: PCC instructors put together series of videos on how to succeed while learning remotely

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