Home Health Plans to tap into Kerala’s health sector potential

Plans to tap into Kerala’s health sector potential

Plans to tap into Kerala’s health sector potential


Express News Service

KOCHI: An expert panel, constituted by the Planning Board to study the possibility of developing Kerala as a manufacturing hub of medical devices, has recommended a policy intervention to tap the state’s strengths in healthcare, IT sector, and social development to explore the possibility of innovative industries in healthcare. The study was conducted following a request from Industries Minister E P Jayarajan to develop a strategy to explore the possibilities in the post Covid world.

The panel headed by Dr Jayan Jose Thomas observed that Kerala’s successful handling of the Covid-19 pandemic has helped bring the state’s effective healthcare system and efficient governance mechanism to international attention. This could be used as a springboard for the state’s entry into innovative initiatives including the manufacture of medical equipment and research.

Kerala has the added advantage of the presence of leading research institutions and skilled workers. Throw in the state’s potential in IT sector to the mix, and Kerala can emerge as a significant player in medical devices sector. Given India’s dependence on imported devices, Kerala can contribute more to the national efforts to build manufacturing capabilities, the report said.The report foresees the possibility of Kerala emerging as a preferred wellness destination in the post Covid world, attracting tourists and professionals who prefer to work from Kerala. The state’s strength in ayurveda and tourism sectors will enhance this prospect, the panel said.

In the long run, Kerala should position itself as a leading centre of research and high-end manufacturing in diagnostics, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. The state can position itself as an early adapter of technology in connected devices. There’s potential for emergence of startups and high technology firms benefiting from the state’s strength in healthcare and IT sector, the report said.


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