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Players and coaches adjust to new sports schedule

Players and coaches adjust to new sports schedule


CONKLIN (WBNG) – The adjusted high school sports schedule has created challenges in the Haskell household.

Susquehanna Valley senior Logan Haskell was looking to lead the Sabers to state titles on both the football and baseball field.

“I was actually going to look to see if I could join the golf team too, to have something to do and finding out that even golf was canceled was shocking to me,” said Logan.

Now, Logan will have the challenge of balancing both sports, and the overlap that will come with the fall and spring sports seasons.

“I think it’s going to be hectic, some of the small schools might have trouble finding people to play on each team,” said Logan. “They count on multi-sport athletes.”

Logan’s father Steve Haskell will also have to adjust.

“As a dad its very frustrating and challenging to keep him motivated and keep him hopeful that he will be able to play sports this year,” said Steve.

Steve is an assistant football coach at Susquehanna Valley, and the varsity baseball manager.

“As a coach it is going to be challenging trying to get the kids motivated to keep working out on their own and encouraging parents to encourage their student athletes to continue to keep themselves in shape,” said Steve.

The father son duo agree it will be important to focus on all sports come the start of the season.

“Our coaches have an agreement that the “in” season sport is the priority,” said Steve.

“Whichever season we play that is going to be what we are ready for,” said Logan.

Being a class C school, Susquehanna Valley could be at disadvantage with a lower number of student athletes.

“It’s going to be difficult to be at the number you want to be at while still competing at a high level,” said Steve.

“That just makes us push even harder to catch up with other schools if we’re behind from one sport to another,” said Logan.

They both agree it will all be worth if they can get back on the field in 2021.

Logan is committed to play division one baseball next fall at Binghamton University.


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