Home Latest Plymouth third grader launches fund to ensure students have needed technology

Plymouth third grader launches fund to ensure students have needed technology

Plymouth third grader launches fund to ensure students have needed technology


Third-grader Lucy Jackson started a gofundme.com campaign last week to purchase Chromebooks and hotspots for families that lack computers and Internet service.

PLYMOUTH – When local schools announced plans for a hybrid return to classes in September, a local elementary school student came up with a plan of her own.

Lucy Jackson will be going into the third grade at Nathaniel Morton Elementary School next month and when she goes, the 8-year-old plans to present the school district with a gift that will help ensure that other students have the tools they need to face the uncertain year ahead.

With the help of her mother, Lucy started a gofundme.com campaign last week to purchase Chromebooks and hotspots for families that lack computers and Internet service. The computers and Internet connection will be vital for students, she reasoned, whether they participate in the district’s hybrid learning plan or the remote school opportunity.

Lucy got the idea for making a positive difference in the community while watching one of her favorite shows, Marvel’s Hero Project, a program on Disney Plus that highlights good work being done by kids around the country.

Kathy Jackson, Lucy’s mom, said her daughter started talking about how classmates would fare through learning from home scenarios last spring, after the coronavirus emergency closed schools and the family purchased a new computer to help Lucy complete second grade remotely.

She learned that the school district had supplied more than 1,000 Chromebooks to help less fortunate students stay connected with remote learning. But Lucy also learned that children from the some families had to share those computers with siblings.

Kathy Jackson said her family also talked about the impact the pandemic is having on families and how some parents and guardians will be forced to stay home from work to care for children under the reopening plan and might not have money to spare for computers or an Internet connection.

They know the district is working hard to connect every student, but expect that some children might slip through the cracks. They want to help keep that from happening.

After some research, the family learned than the district will need about $60,000 to supply technology for remote learning for the year and realized that would only be about one dollar for every person in town.

Lucy knows that not everyone in town can afford even a small donation, but she is hopeful that many can and, together, will be able to raise enough money to drive the program for half of the year.

She set a goal of $30,000 after launching the pledge campaign last week and has already raised nearly $1,000. The $975 pledged through Tuesday should be enough to purchase several Chromebooks.

The Jacksons said they will turn the money over to the School Department and let them make the purchases as they see fit. Lucy, meanwhile, is looking forward to the day when she can return to classes. “I miss my friends, not exactly school,” she said.

To make a small or large donation to the project, visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/pledges-for-plymouth-chromebooks-and-hotspots.



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