Home Crime PM Modi tells Zelenskyy: No army answer, India prepared to assist

PM Modi tells Zelenskyy: No army answer, India prepared to assist

PM Modi tells Zelenskyy: No army answer, India prepared to assist


Days after India abstained on a United Nations Security Council resolution which sought to declare Russian annexation of captured Ukrainian territories as invalid, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a telephone dialog Tuesday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and advised him “there can be no military solution” to the battle and India was able to “contribute to any peace efforts”.

The Ministry of External Affairs, in an announcement, stated, “The leaders discussed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Prime Minister reiterated his call for an early cessation of hostilities and the need to pursue the path of dialogue and diplomacy. He expressed his firm conviction that there can be no military solution to the conflict and conveyed India’s readiness to contribute to any peace efforts.”

“Prime Minister also reiterated the importance of respecting the UN Charter, International Law, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states,” it acknowledged.

According to the MEA, the Prime Minister emphasised the significance India attaches to the protection and safety of nuclear installations, together with in Ukraine.


Calling for cessation of hostilities between Ukraine and Russia, the PM, in his telephone dialog with Zelenskyy, has adopted up on his remarks to Valadimir Putin in Samarkand the place he underlined that that is “not an era of war”.

“He underlined that endangerment of nuclear facilities could have far-reaching and catastrophic consequences for public health and the environment. The two leaders also touched upon important areas of bilateral cooperation, following up on their last meeting in Glasgow in November 2021,” it acknowledged.

Last Saturday, India abstained on a UNSC decision in opposition to Russia over its annexation of Ukrainian territories, saying “escalation of rhetoric or tensions is in no one’s interest” and it’s “important that pathways are found for a return to the negotiating table”.

The UNSC couldn’t undertake the decision as a result of Russia, a everlasting member of the Security Council, vetoed it. It was supported by 10 of the 15 members of the Council, whereas China, Gabon, India and Brazil abstained.

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