Home Crime Police examine sexual assault in Collingwood

Police examine sexual assault in Collingwood

Police examine sexual assault in Collingwood


Melbourne Sexual Offence and Child Abuse Team detectives are investigating a sexual assault that occurred on a avenue in Collingwood on 20 March.

Investigators have been informed a 26-year-old lady was strolling alongside Langridge Street when she was sexually assaulted by a person regarded as in his 30’s, round 10.30pm.

The man fled the world, final seen heading in the direction of Rokeby Street.

Police have launched CCTV photographs of a person they consider could possibly help them with their enquiries.

He is perceived as being of Indian Sub Continental look in look, roughly 165cm tall, of slim construct and darkish hair.

He was final seen sporting a blue test flannelette shirt, with a black t-shirt beneath and military pants with black runners.

Anyone who recognises the person or with info is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au

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