Home Latest Pope duties cardinal with mission geared toward paving ‘paths to peace’ in Ukraine

Pope duties cardinal with mission geared toward paving ‘paths to peace’ in Ukraine

Pope duties cardinal with mission geared toward paving ‘paths to peace’ in Ukraine


Pope tasks cardinal with mission aimed at paving ‘paths to peace’ in Ukraine

Pope Francis has tasked a number one Italian cardinal with a mission in hope it might probably “ease tensions” within the Ukraine warfare and result in a path of peace, the Vatican mentioned.

In a short written assertion, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni mentioned that Francis had entrusted the mission to Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, who’s near the pontiff.

He mentioned the timetable and the mechanics of the mission “are currently under study”.

Just per week earlier, Francis held talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the Vatican.

The Pope
The Vatican mentioned that Francis had entrusted the mission to Cardinal Matteo Zuppi (AP)

At the top of April, flying again to Rome from a pilgrimage in Hungary, Francis indicated to reporters aboard the airplane that the Vatican was concerned in some sort of peace mission however declined to provide particulars.

“I can confirm that Pope Francis has tasked Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, archbishop of Bologna and president of the Italian Bishops Conference, with conducting a mission, in agreement with the (Vatican) Secretariat of State, that would contribute to easing the tensions in the conflict in Ukraine, in the hope, never given up by the Holy Father, that this can launch paths of peace,” Mr Bruni mentioned.

“The timings of such a mission, and its ways, are currently under study.”

Vatican Pope
Pope Francis arrives for an viewers with the dioceses of Spoleto and Norcia within the Paul VI Hall, on the Vatican (AP)

Francis has repeatedly denounced the warfare, warned in opposition to a build-up of weapons within the battle and prayed for the struggling Ukrainian folks.

He usually has shied away, in his many feedback on the warfare, from blaming Mr Putin.

The pontiff has mentioned he would go to Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, if the pilgrimage would assist convey peace, however mentioned that would occur provided that he may additionally go to Moscow.

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