Home Crime Prashant Bhushan files writ petition in SC seeking recall of contempt notice against him

Prashant Bhushan files writ petition in SC seeking recall of contempt notice against him

Prashant Bhushan files writ petition in SC seeking recall of contempt notice against him


The petition further states that the “sudden listing” of the 11-year old contempt case against him for hearing smacks of “malice in law” on the part of the Respondent.

“The sudden appearance of the matter in the cause-list released on 22.07.2020 with merely two days notice is not only inconsistent with the Handbook for Practice and Procedure in the Supreme Court which mandates giving sufficient advance notice before the proposed date of listing, but also reflects the intention of the Respondent to somehow or other convict the Petitioner for contempt,” the plea adds.

It was on July 22 that the bench headed by Justice Arun Mishra issued contempt notice to Bhushan in a suo moto case taken with respect to two of his tweets on judiciary and the Chief Justice of India.

The bench, also including Justices B R Gavai and Krishna Murari, prima facie, observed that his tweets “have brought disrepute to the administration of justice and are capable of undermining the dignity and authority of the Supreme Court in general and the office of the Chief Justice of India in particular, in the eyes of general public”. The case is next listed on August 5.


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