Home FEATURED NEWS Prashant Kishor’s “Atmanirbhar” Dig At Government On COVID, China

Prashant Kishor’s “Atmanirbhar” Dig At Government On COVID, China

Prashant Kishor’s “Atmanirbhar” Dig At Government On COVID, China


Prashant Kishor's 'Atmanirbhar' Dig At Government On COVID, China

Prashant Kishor criticized the government yet again in a tweet this morning.

New Delhi:

Election strategist Prashant Kishor this morning took a swipe at the government, accusing it of misplaced priorities amid India-China border tensions, the fight against coronavirus and economic slowdown. “Resolve of our leadership is for all to see,” Prashant Kishor tweeted on a day voting is being held for 24 Rajya Sabha seats.

“Whether it’s the preparation for state elections or making arrangements for Rajya Sabha seats, the EFFICIENCY of our system & RESOLVE of our leadership is for ALL to see!,” wrote the 43-year-old poll-strategist, who was sacked from Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s JDU earlier this year.

Amid repeated calls by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make India “Atmanirbhar” or self-reliant as the country fights coronavirus, Prashant Kishore used this slogan to criticise the government’s handling of the multiple challenges that India is currently facing. “For the rest from #China to #COVID to #economic_slowdown it is for the people of Atma-Nirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) to take care of themselves (sic),” his tweet read.

His tweet comes as voting is being held today for 24 Rajya Sabha seats. The build-up to the elections, in which seats from 10 states are at stake, was marked by a resurgence of resort politics, resignations, switching sides and allegations of bribery. BJP’s Jyotiraditya Scindia, whose-high profile exit from the Congress in March led to the fall of the Kamal Nath government in Madhya Pradesh – is one of the key candidates today.

In his tweet, Prashant Kishor also mentioned border tensions with China, days after a deadly face-off with China in the Galwan Valley area in eastern Ladakh, in which 20 soldiers were killed. PM Modi will hold an all-party meeting this evening to discuss the matter.

Over the last few months, Prashant Kishor has been a constant critic of the government after India announced one of the strictest lockdowns in the world to check the spread of coronavirus. Last week, he had tweeted: “#COVID can’t be wished away. We must fight or it will keep getting worse. Globally, leaders have won this fight with HUMILITY, TRANSPARENCY, SCIENCE & widespread PUBLIC BUY-IN. Time we learn from others and show the courage to go back to the DRAWING BOARD before it’s too late.”

India’s coronavirus tally has soared to 3.8 lakh cases; more than 12,500 patients have died.

On Sunday, Prashant Kishor attacked his former boss – Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar – for launching poll campaign in the state where assembly elections are due later this year.

“Despite the lowest testing rate, 7-9 per cent positive case rate and more than 6,000 cases, Bihar is discussing elections instead of coronavirus. Nitish Kumar, who had confined himself to his home amid coronavirus fears, thinks people won’t be exposed (to COVID-19) if they step out of their homes to participate in the elections,” Prashant Kishor tweeted in Hindi.


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