Home Latest PREP FOOTBALL: Louisville Central handles Meade County

PREP FOOTBALL: Louisville Central handles Meade County

PREP FOOTBALL: Louisville Central handles Meade County


For Meade County veteran head football coach Larry Mofield, it was rather quite simple.

“I’m disappointed that we got whipped up front,” he said. “They’ve got a nose guard who was in our backfield every play. They dominated our offensive line. We weren’t inspired to play. I don’t think we really wanted to be out there. We had a few kids I think who wanted to be out there. But, by in large, it seemed like we were more interested in maybe doing something else than playing football on Saturday afternoon.

Louisville Central opened its season with a 30-0 victory over Meade County Saturday at Stuart Pepper Middle School in a game that was moved from Friday night at Louisville Central.

“It was very important,” Yellow Jackets head coach Marvin Dantzler said about being able to finally start the season. “We’ve been practicing, practicing, practicing and now it’s like we had a sense of normalcy.”

The game was moved because of the curfew in Louisville. Central missed its first game at Warren Central last week because Warren County was a hot spot for COVID-19.

The Yellow Jackets finished with 330 yards of offense, 293 of it on the ground.

“We couldn’t tackle 39,” Mofield said of running back Malachi Williams. “If they’da handed it to 39 they may have needed another digit in the scoreboard. He was dominating.”

Williams finished with 108 yards on eight carries, the best one being a 47-yard touchdown run where it seemed everyone on Meade County’s defense had a chance to tackle him.

“When you can’t run a single offensive play, it’s pretty hard as an offensive coordinator … I told our kids at halftime, ‘I know your parents are probably gonna say coaches don’t know how to coach a lick of offense,’ but you might want to let everybody know that there’s no offense that requires no blocking. You gotta block somebody. No matter what offense you run, you gotta block somebody. We didn’t block anybody. Until we learn to block somebody, we probably won’t be very good.”

The Green Wave averaged 1.45 yards on 20 offensive plays in the first half. The had two yards or less 13 times.

Jaylen Thomas intercepted a Kyle Parker offering and took it 45 yards to the house for an 8-0 lead after Williams ran in the conversion. Williams’ 47-yard run made it 16-0 and that nose guard Mofield referred to, VaShawn Anderson, tackled Parker in the end zone for a safety and an 18-0 lead.

Justin Bush went 38 yards on the next snap for a 24-0 lead.

“We did pretty good today,” Dantzler said. “They’ve played two games and they’re a pretty good football team. When you talk about Meade County, we have a lot of respect for what they do. I’m kind of in shock. I didn’t see it coming. We definitely have some things we gotta clean up, but that’s part of playing that first game.

“You get to see things. Now you get to put it on film and go back and clean it up. Overall, I was really pleased with how our guys played.”

The Yellow Jackets ran the ball 38 times for 293 yards.

Bush led the way with 139 yards on 14 attempts. He scored on a 60-yard run in the third quarter.

“Last year at the end of the year, when it was all said and done, there were two things that you could look back and say it killed Meade County football, turnovers and big plays on defense,” Mofield said. “This year turnovers are killing us.”

The Green Wave turned it over five times Saturday.

“Today, we couldn’t block anybody,” Mofield said. “Over and over and over during the week we tell kids what foot to step with and what to do. The questions that came from the kids today on the sideline, it was stuff that would almost floor you as a coach.

“Today, honestly, the mentality for us was almost like a scrimmage as far as not knowing what to do.”

Meade County finished with 71 yards on 40 plays.

The Green Wave visit North Hardin at 7:30 p.m. Friday in a game that was moved from Brandenburg because the new field turf will not be ready.

“Take nothing away from Louisville Central, but North Hardin throws it better than they do,” Mofield said. “North has gotten the best of us the last few years.”


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