Home Latest Protesters gather outside Winona High School to make case for fall sports

Protesters gather outside Winona High School to make case for fall sports

Protesters gather outside Winona High School to make case for fall sports


Sports will not take place for the Winona Winhawks for the foreseeable future, and some in the area wanted to have their voices heard.

Today was scheduled to be the day sports resumed in Winona Public Schools, after the district took time off due to spikes in COVID-19.

But an email was sent out to parents by Athletic Director Casey Indra, explaining that resuming sports is not possible due to recent cases.

A protest was organized on Facebook for families to voice their disagreement with the decision.

The email sent to parents states “during a call Thursday afternoon, an epidemiologist from the Minnesota Department of Health recommended the district keep their current learning model…and not resume athletics. Given this recommendation, we choose to hold off on bringing athletics back for now.”

It goes on to say. “We want athletics to resume. We also want our students back in the classroom, with their friends, in front of a teacher, receiving the instruction and support they deserve.”

The email does not give a day where sports could resume.


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