Home Health Public health alerts issued for more than 40 sites across SEQ

Public health alerts issued for more than 40 sites across SEQ

Public health alerts issued for more than 40 sites across SEQ


Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said despite only recording two new cases, the state was “not out of the woods”, with more tests yet to be returned.

“We are taking it day by day,” she said.

Queensland Health has advised people with even mild symptoms to get tested.

Queensland Health has advised people with even mild symptoms to get tested. Credit:Lydia Lynch

Of the two new cases, one was a young boy, and both were known to people who had already tested positive.

Health authorities were still scrambling to track down people who might have been exposed to the coronavirus after a supervisor at the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre tested positive on Wednesday night.

Four other workers at the detention centre tested positive on Saturday and two of their family members have also been infected.

Queensland Health has advised anyone who was at the locations listed above at the relevant times to immediately self-quarantine and contact 13-HEALTH.

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