Home Latest PVIAC announces schedule bubbles, spectator regulations for fall HS season

PVIAC announces schedule bubbles, spectator regulations for fall HS season

PVIAC announces schedule bubbles, spectator regulations for fall HS season


The Pioneer Valley Interscholastic Athletic Conference announced Tuesday the steps it will take to create a safe environment for the schools participating in the Fall Sports I high school season.

“The PVIAC (executive board) has met several times over the past two weeks, and we have discussed the numerous options presented in terms of having high school athletic competition for the fall of 2020,” the executive board stated in a letter to athletic directors and principals.

“One thing is evident, there are various perspectives and decisions being made regarding having our high school student-athletes compete in high school athletics. We must realize that this is NOT a one shoe fits all solution. As a group, we have decided to go ahead with athletics, with each school board giving the ok for their particular school to compete.”

As of Sept. 15, the majority of the PVIAC’s member schools are set to play at least some of their fall sports between Sept. 18 and Nov. 20. McCann Tech, Smith Academy and Southwick are the lone schools from the PVIAC that were not approved to play sports during the upcoming season. Southwick students protested the decision, and the school committee is set to hear an additional presentation on a potential fall season Tuesday evening.

After confirming that they will go on with athletics, the PVIAC additionally announced that it has created six bubbles so that schools had the ability to limit both travel and reduce the amount of contact.

“This decision cuts our contact down about 40-percent compared to if we stayed in our standard leagues,” the PVIAC said.

Soccer, cross country and golf have leagues formed inside of their respective bubbles. Since field hockey and volleyball contain fewer teams, their leagues are formed with the goal of reducing unnecessary contact.

Gymnastics contained just five schools, and four of those five schools were already set to compete against each other.

In addition, soccer, field hockey, golf and volleyball teams will play a maximum of 10 to 12 games. Cross country teams, meanwhile, will have between five and six meets, while gymnastics will have between four and six meets.

“(There are) no independent varsity contest(s), only those given by schedulers,” the PVIAC added.

In addition, indoor volleyball games will not have spectators. Outdoor athletic contests can have spectators within PVIAC guidelines, but they can only be home fans. Furthermore, a school has the option of saying that fans cannot attend games.

The schools in Franklin County have determined that they will not allow spectators during the Fall Sports I season.

At the end of August, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association approved a recommendation that its member schools allow out of season coaching from Sept. 18, 2020 to July 3, 2021. The PVIAC opted to limit that statement by allowing out of season coaching only for sports that have been moved to the Fall Sports II season.

“We truthfully know that athletics is the other half of education that help our young students complete their academic mission,” the PVIAC said. “The PVIAC believes in assisting each individual school in accomplishing their goals for all students.”

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