Home Latest Q2 Stadium To Participate in Green Sports Day | Austin FC

Q2 Stadium To Participate in Green Sports Day | Austin FC

Q2 Stadium To Participate in Green Sports Day | Austin FC


Austin’s official home venue Q2 Stadium will turn its lights green in observation of Green Sports Day on Thursday, October 6. The day will bring together over 100 sports organizations from around the world, who will turn the lights in their respective stadiums green to increase awareness and action on pressing environmental and social challenges our world faces.

All lighting activations, including at Q2 Stadium, will be offset by Green Sports Alliance’s Carbon Offset Partner SouthPole.

“As a member of the Green Sports Alliance, we’re honored to work with other sports organizations to draw attention to important environmental issues,” said Austin FC President Andy Loughnane. “We’re constantly aiming to make our Club’s operations more sustainable, and to collaborate with our peers to find innovative solutions.”

Q2 Stadium, the official home venue of Austin FC, received LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council in November 2021 for the commitment to sustainability undertaken in the stadium’s construction and design. The stadium features several innovative sustainability efforts, including electric vehicle charging stations, 140 solar panels on its southern roof, and a policy allowing fans to bring in reusable drinking vessels, eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles.

The Green Sports Alliance provided all its members with a sustainability performance toolkit as part of Green Sports Day:

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