Home Entertainment Q&A: Underwood on holiday album and her little drummer boy

Q&A: Underwood on holiday album and her little drummer boy

Q&A: Underwood on holiday album and her little drummer boy


AP: Spending the holidays with family members won’t be easy this year because of the pandemic. Are you looking forward to the holidays?

Underwood: I feel unsure, like everybody else, as far as what our plans are going to be. But I’m excited for this time of year. It is a time of hope and joy and love. My husband’s family; our family’s in Canada so I have no idea if we’re going to be able to go up there. They have so many more restrictions as far as travel and stuff like that. You get there, then you have to be there for two weeks without seeing anybody and then you can see people, so you’re basically going to be there for a month. I’m not really sure what that’s going to hold for us. We’re still three months out, as we know a million things can change just like that. But we’ll be together, my husband, myself, our kids. Hopefully I can go see my family in Oklahoma ‘cause I really haven’t; I’ve seen my mom once this year. They’re in a little more at-risk group ’cause they’re older. I’m like, “I don’t want to bring our germs to you.”

We’re just like everybody else, going to figure it out. But it is a special time of year regardless. At the end of the day we’re celebrating the birth of Jesus. That’s always a good thing, no matter what year you live in, or where you are. I am more than happy to say, “Thank you God for the gift of Jesus.”

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