Packaging by Quadient, will be showcasing its automated packaging machines at IntraLogisteX on October 1st and 2nd.

CVP Everest and CVP Impack Packaging Systems have the ability to make up to 1,100 packages per hour, and offer automation technology for e-commerce operations challenged by increasing packaging volumes, labour shortages and Covid-19 social distancing requirements.

With installations across Europe, the US, and Canada, the CVP Automated Packaging Solutions create, fill, fold, and label each parcel, reducing package volumes by up to 50%, cutting cardboard usage by 20%, and eliminating the need for void fill.

The company will be exhibiting at the Ricoh Arena on the 1st & 2nd October, for the IntraLogisteX exhibition.

If you want to see Quadient’s, (Stand 500), latest packaging innovations, join us at the IntraLogisteX exhibition on the 1st & 2nd October. There is still time to register!