Home Latest Rahul Gandhi is asked what would be his 1st order if he becomes PM. He replies

Rahul Gandhi is asked what would be his 1st order if he becomes PM. He replies

Rahul Gandhi is asked what would be his 1st order if he becomes PM. He replies


“If somebody asks me what is the one thing that you will teach your child, I would say humility. Because with humility comes understanding,” Rahul Gandhi said.

Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi spent their Diwali with visitors from Kanyakumari’s St Joseph’s Matric Higher Secondary School, the school Rahul Gandhi visited when he was in Tamil Nadu earlier this year. Sharing a video of that interaction on Twitter, Rahul Gandhi wrote that his Diwali was made more special by that visit.

During the interaction, Rahul Gandhi was asked what would be the first government order that he would pass if he becomes the prime minister of India. His instant reply was women’s reservation. “If somebody asks me what is the one thing that you will teach your child, I would say humility. Because with humility comes understanding,” Rahul Gandhi said.


A member of the delegation that visited Rahul appreciated Rahul and Priyanka’s participation in the struggle of farmers. “It shows your oneness with people,” Rahul Gandhi was told.

As the time came for dinner, Rahul wanted to arrange some typical Delhi food for “his friends from Tamil Nadu” and asked for chhole bhature and kulfi.

“Interaction and dinner with friends from St. Joseph’s Matric Hr. Sec. School, Mulagumoodu, Kanyakumari (TN). Their visit made Diwali even more special. This confluence of cultures is our country’s biggest strength and we must preserve it,” Rahul tweeted.

It was the same school that he visited in March this year before the Tamil Nadu assembly election and took up a push-up challenge.

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