Home Crime Rajnath Singh chairs SCO defence ministers’ assembly

Rajnath Singh chairs SCO defence ministers’ assembly

Rajnath Singh chairs SCO defence ministers’ assembly


Defence Ministers of India, Russia, China and different member nations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on April 28 deliberated on urgent regional safety challenges and associated points at a conclave hosted by New Delhi. 

The assembly, chaired by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, can be anticipated to evaluation the general scenario in Afghanistan. 

“India views SCO as an important organisation to promote defence cooperation among member states. We, as a nation, wish to further strengthen the spirit of trust and cooperation among the members of the SCO,” Mr. Singh mentioned in his opening remarks. 

Also Read: India to host SCO Defence Ministers meeting this week

Chinese Defence Minister Li Shangfu, Russia’s Sergei Shoigu, Tajikistan’s Colonel General Sherali Mirzo, Iran’s Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Gharaei Ashtiyani and Kazakhstan’s Colonel General Ruslan Zhaksylykov are amongst these attending the assembly in Delhi. 

Pakistani Defence Minister Khawaja Asif was scheduled to take part within the assembly by means of digital mode. 

“This forum provides an opportunity to all of us to exchange our views, share our perspectives and concerns. This is an important platform where we can discuss the challenges before us, find solutions to them,” Mr. Singh mentioned. 

Officials concerned in preparations for the assembly earlier mentioned the primary focus of the deliberations can be on regional safety conditions together with the developments in Afghanistan. 

They mentioned enhancing coordination among the many SCO member international locations to successfully fight terrorism and extremism will probably be one other precedence. 

The SCO is an influential financial and safety bloc and has emerged as one of many largest transregional worldwide organisations. 

The SCO was based at a summit in Shanghai in 2001 by the presidents of Russia, China, the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan grew to become its everlasting members in 2017. 

India was made an observer on the SCO in 2005 and has usually participated within the ministerial-level conferences of the grouping, which focus primarily on safety and financial cooperation within the Eurasian area. 

India has proven a eager curiosity in deepening its security-related cooperation with the SCO and its Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS), which particularly offers with points referring to safety and defence. 

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