Home Latest Rally in front of MVRHS to support sports season – The Martha’s Vineyard Times

Rally in front of MVRHS to support sports season – The Martha’s Vineyard Times

Rally in front of MVRHS to support sports season – The Martha’s Vineyard Times


MV’s Rose Herman battles Plymouth South’s Emma Cicchetti for possession during a field hockey game in 2019. Fall sports may look a little different this year, in order to comply with health guidelines. — Ralph Stewart

A student-led rally will be held by student athletes and their families in front of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School at 11 am on Sunday, Sept. 13. According to Kim Wells, who has a son on the high school cross country team, the rally will advocate for the reopening of fall sports, and for the importance of team sports in school. It will also give student athletes the opportunity to voice their views around what school sports should look like. Student athletes and their families who support the reintroduction of sports in the fall are encouraged to participate, Wells said.

“Kids have already lost so much of what makes school special to them. We can’t lose sports, too,” she said. “Let’s get something happening here. Let’s get our kids back out and active.”


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