Home Latest Ramgarh Lake appropriate for int’l water sports activities occasions: Rowing federation chief

Ramgarh Lake appropriate for int’l water sports activities occasions: Rowing federation chief

Ramgarh Lake appropriate for int’l water sports activities occasions: Rowing federation chief


Hinting at the potential for Gorakhpur’s Ramgarh Lake seeing extra water sporting occasions, the president of Rowing Federation of India and vice-president of Indian Olympic Association, Rajlaxmi Singh Deo, stated a rowing teaching centre may come up within the area.

AA rowing contest underway as a part of Khelo India University Games at Ramgarh Lake, Gorakhpur (HT File)

Briefing media individuals, she stated, “After Bhopal and Hyderabad, Gorakhpur can become the third centre for rowing coaching as the Ramgarh Lake water sports complex has the potential to host national and international rowing championships.”

Praising the management of chief minister Yogi Adityanath, she stated there was monumental potential within the youth of Uttar Pradesh they usually simply wanted correct steerage and encouragement.

Lauding some athletes from the state, Rajlaxmi stated Arvind Singh of Bulandshahr and Punit Singh may give a formidable efficiency within the upcoming worldwide occasions they’d participate in.

Abdur Rahman

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