Home Health Ran Out Of Jeera? Try These 5 Alternatives To Cumin Instead

Ran Out Of Jeera? Try These 5 Alternatives To Cumin Instead

Ran Out Of Jeera? Try These 5 Alternatives To Cumin Instead


When it involves cooking in India, spices are like superheroes that add flavour and improve the depth of dishes. If you’re somebody who cooks meals usually, you have to have come throughout the spice field or namak daani at your own home, which is full of totally different sorts of spices. One necessary spice from this namak daani is Cumin, or jeera, which is utilized in virtually each dish or curry for its heat and earthy style. But what in the event you run out of it? Thankfully, your namak daani would have a number of different options that may save your day! Intrigued? Read on to study extra about 5 options to cumin (jeera) in your kitchen.

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Coriander seeds or dhania can be used as an alternative to cumin.

Coriander seeds or dhania can be utilized as an alternative choice to cumin.
Photo Credit: iStock

Here Are 5 Alternatives To Cumin In Your Kitchen

1. Coriander Seeds (Dhania)

If you’re out of cumin, coriander seeds can work simply advantageous in your dishes and gravies. Dhania seeds are identified for his or her citrusy undertones and gentle flavour and might complement a wide range of dishes. Whether it’s in powder or seed kind, coriander or dhania provides depth and complexity to dals and curries.

2. Fennel Seeds (Saunf)

Fennel seeds provide a candy and fragrant different to cumin. These seeds have a refined liquorice-like flavour, which provides the right depth to your dishes. The finest method to make use of fennel seeds is to barely toast them to launch their perfume, grind them in a mixer jar, and sprinkle the powder into your cooking. Whether you are cooking a curry or stir-frying greens, fennel seeds could be a nice possibility for an alternative choice to cumin.

3. Mustard Seeds (Rai)

Bold and pungent, mustard seeds function an ideal different to cumin whereas cooking. Once you warmth them, they launch an fragrant essence which will get infused into your dishes. Mustard seeds are additionally excellent for tempering your dals and curries, as these tiny seeds deepen the flavour of your dishes.

Mustard seeds add depth like cumin in your food.

Mustard seeds add depth like cumin to your meals.
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Nigella Seeds (Kalonji)

Also often known as Kalonji, nigella seeds can be utilized as an alternative choice to cumin as they introduce a refined bitterness and nuttiness to your dishes. These seeds can be utilized on breads, in spice blends and even pickles, to counterpoint their flavour profile. Nigella seeds are versatile and have an irresistible aroma, making them excellent in your cooking.

5. Ajwain (Carom seeds)

Known for his or her medicinal properties and distinct flavour profile, Ajwain seeds additionally make for a superb substitute for cumin. Ajwain seeds have a pungent aroma, and notes of mint and thyme, which enriches the flavour profile of any dish. Ajwain seeds are finest utilized in dishes that includes meats, lentils or root greens.

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