Home Latest Reading School Board rejects return to fall sports

Reading School Board rejects return to fall sports

Reading School Board rejects return to fall sports


Hundreds of Reading High athletes were again turned back Wednesday as the school board voted 5-3 against reversing its decision to suspend fall extra-curricular activities.

Despite an impassioned plea by board member Patricia Wright, as well as from Red Knights football player Elijah Williams and assistant coach Jamie Laws, only two board members flipped from their original stance, an 8-1 decision on Aug. 5.

Mark Detterline and Dr. Noahleen Betts voted in the affirmative this time, but to no avail.

Reading High sports will remain shuttered while every other team in Berks County continues to play or practice.

“I feel for these students,” said board president Robin Costenbader-Jacobson. “I know what they’re missing. Nothing is the same (during this pandemic). We need to understand there are disappointments in life.”

Plenty of Reading student-athletes will feel disappointed and abandoned by the decision. Earlier in the afternoon about three dozen students staged a peaceful protest near Geigle Complex.

Wright and others wonder about the emotional and psychological effects a fall without sports – on the heels of a spring with no high school sports – will have on youngsters missing a chance to compete in football or soccer, play in the band or be a cheerleader. Many athletes were hoping that a stellar senior year could lead to a college scholarship.

The chances of that are now gone.

“We’re trying to keep our kids out of the streets,” said Wright. “This is bigger than what your (coronavirus cases) numbers are. I’m looking at the big picture. I’m concerned about the mental health of these students. We, as a board, are supposed to keep kids on track.

“I’m trying to keep (my son) out of the system, and out of the streets. I’m trying to push him in the right directions. For me, this is real.”

Becky Ellis, like others on the board, expressed concern about long-term health affects from coronavirus, some of which may not be fully known.

“I can not in good conscience vote for this,” she said. “To let our student play against students from other schools, they could (get infected and) be adversely affected for the rest of their lives. I’m not willing to dismiss anyone’s lives.”

“These are difficult times, and there are no easy decisions,” said board member Dave Myers. “The decisions we make today will have long-term consequences.”

“The stress of parents and children concerns me,” said board member Ashley Jones, “(but) this is not safe. I can not agree that we can play sports safely.”

Costenbader-Jacobson, Ellis, Jones, Myers and Ann Sheehan voted against a return to play. Board vice president Leo Martinez did not participate in the meeting, which was held virtually.

The issue was discussed, but not acted upon, at the board’s Aug. 27 meeting. Board members heard passionate arguments by students and parents that may have swung a few votes.

Detterline said he was firmly in favor of suspending play in early August but his mind swung to the other side.

“Return to play plans have been working in other districts,” Detterline said. “I trust our coaching and administrative staff (to make this work).”

“I think it’s important that our students know they’ve been heard and that they know we’ve thought long and hard about this,” Detterline said prior to the meeting. “My personal feelings have changed based on the outpouring of support from the community, the actions of other large urban districts, studies I’ve seen on the mental health repercussions this could cause, and conversations I’ve seen and had with health professionals.

“I’m still very much worried and cautious, but hundreds of districts throughout the state have been having success with few issues.”


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