Home Latest Rhea Chakraborty approaches SC with plea alleging unfair media trial in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death

Rhea Chakraborty approaches SC with plea alleging unfair media trial in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death

Rhea Chakraborty approaches SC with plea alleging unfair media trial in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death


Bollywood actor Rhea Chakraborty moved the Supreme Court on Monday with a fresh plea, alleging media trial and attempts to pronounce her guilty for the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Chakraborty has filed a fresh affidavit in the top court, maintaining that Bihar government does not have the jurisdiction to probe and try the matter. The actor has also submitted that the transfer of the case to the CBI by Bihar police is without jurisdiction.

Rhea is seeking a transfer of the case from Bihar to Maharashtra. In her plea, she alleged that the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput is being sensationalised by the media since it occurred at a time when Bihar elections are due.

“This has led to the suicide being blown out of proportion. Actors Ashutosh Bhakre and Sameer Sharma were also reported to have died by suicide in last 30 days and yet no whisper about the same in power corridors. In case of death of Sushant Singh Rajput, Chief Minister of Bihar is reported to be responsible for the registration of FIR in Patna,” the affidavit said.

The plea further alleged that media channels are examining and cross-examining all the witnesses in the case and that Chakraborty has been convicted by media even before a foul-play in the case is established.

“Extreme trauma and infringement of privacy of the rights of the petitioner is caused due to constant sensationalisation of this case. Media had convicted accused in 2G and Talwar case in a similar fashion where each and every accused was later on found innocent by the Courts,” the affidavit stated.

The Supreme Court is slated to take up the matter tomorrow.

Rhea Chakraborty faced investigation agency Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday in money laundering case linked to Rajput’s death. In a fresh round of questioning, the ED probed Chakraborty and her family members on Monday.

 Also read: ‘They’ve got nothing to do with Sushant Singh Rajput case’ – Sanjay Raut slams Bihar govt

Rhea, her brother Showik and father Indrajit Chakraborty reported at the office of the central probe agency in the Ballard Estate area around 11 am in response to their scheduled summons for Monday, officials said.

Later, Shruti Modi, the business manager of Rhea and Rajput, also reported at the ED office. All four were previously questioned by the agency on August 7. Rajput’s friend and roommate Siddharth Pithani also arrived at the ED office later in the day.

The ED had questioned Rhea once on Saturday following which she was called back on Monday. The agency had questioned her brother for nearly 18 hours on Saturday. As per reports, Showik’s questioning went on till around 6:30 am on Sunday.

Rajput’s father KK Singh had filed a complaint with the Patna police against Rhea last month. The complaint also included Rhea’s parents, brother, Rajput’s manager Samuel Miranda, Shruti Modi and unknown persons. KK Singh had accused them of cheating and abetting his son’s suicide.

The CBI had re-registered this FIR as a fresh case on Thursday and named as accused the same people.


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