Home Latest ‘Rock solid’: White House says US committed to support Taiwan

‘Rock solid’: White House says US committed to support Taiwan

‘Rock solid’: White House says US committed to support Taiwan


The United States has said that it is committed to support Taiwan, as per a statement issued by the White House.

Calling the US’ commitment ‘rock-solid,’ White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said ”we will continue to support Taiwan’s self-defence.”

The statement comes amid a spike in tensions between Taiwan and China. 

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Earlier, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby had said ”The PRC (People’s Republic of China) has stepped up efforts to intimidate and pressure Taiwan and other allies and partners, including increasing their military activities conducted in the vicinity of Taiwan, the East China Sea in the South China Sea, which we believe are destabilising and only increase the risk of miscalculation.”

”Our support for and defence relationship with Taiwan remains aligned with the current threat posed by the People’s Republic of China, and we urge Beijing to honour its commitment to the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait differences as delineated in the three communiques,” he added.

Taiwan’s Defence Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng had said that ”China is capable of a full-scale invasion by 2025.”

”What is clearest is that the Republic of China absolutely will not start or set off a war, but if there are movements we will meet the enemy full-on,” he added.

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China has increased its incursion in the Taiwan Strait and the country’s air defence zone. A record number of Chinese airplanes flew into Taiwan’s territory this year.

According to Chinese President Xi Jinping, ”Taiwan’s independence separatism is the biggest obstacle to achieving the reunification of the motherland, and the most serious hidden danger to national rejuvenation.”

Raising a complaint about a meeting between senior US diplomats and Taiwan’s de facto ambassador, the Chinese embassy in Washington had said that ”The US should not fantasise (about) seeking China’s support and cooperation while wantonly challenging China’s red line on the Taiwan question.”

US ally Japan has also backed Japan and showed interest in joining a regional trade pact.



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