Home FEATURED NEWS Russia-Ukraine struggle updates: Russia condemns EU’s frozen property plan | Russia-Ukraine struggle News

Russia-Ukraine struggle updates: Russia condemns EU’s frozen property plan | Russia-Ukraine struggle News



Russia has tortured and arbitrarily detained individuals in occupied Ukraine, making a “climate of fear” and suppressing Ukrainian id, in keeping with a UN report.

The report, which the UN Human Rights Office stated was primarily based on greater than 2,300 interviews, accused Moscow of “committing widespread violations” of human rights legislation.

Russia has imposed its “language, citizenship, laws, court system, and education curricula on the occupied areas,” whereas suppressing a Ukrainian id, the UN workplace stated in a launch accompanying the report. “From the onset, Russian armed forces, acting with generalised impunity, committed widespread violations, including arbitrary detention of civilians, often accompanied by torture and ill-treatment.”

Russia had tried to suppress Ukrainian id amongst youngsters, changing the curriculum in colleges with a Russian one which sought to “justify” Moscow’s invasion, the report added.

Peaceful protests have met “force” from the Russian military, which has restricted free expression and pillaged houses and companies, it stated.

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