Home Latest Russian journalist sentenced for talking out on Ukraine

Russian journalist sentenced for talking out on Ukraine

Russian journalist sentenced for talking out on Ukraine


Alexander Nevzorov
Alexander Nevzorov

A Moscow courtroom has sentenced a Russian journalist in absentia to eight years in jail on fees of disparaging the army, the newest transfer within the authorities’ relentless crackdown on dissent.

Alexander Nevzorov, a tv journalist and former legislator, was convicted on fees of spreading false details about the army beneath a regulation that was adopted quickly after Russian President Vladimir Putin despatched troops into Ukraine.

The regulation successfully exposes anybody crucial of the Russian army motion in Ukraine to fines and jail sentences of as much as 10 years.

Nevzorov was accused of posting “false information” on social media in regards to the Russian shelling of a maternity hospital within the Sea of Azov port of Mariupol. Moscow has fiercely denied its involvement.

The reporter, who moved overseas after the beginning of the Ukrainian battle, had no instant touch upon the decision.

Prominent opposition politician Ilya Yashin was sentenced in December to eight and a half years in jail beneath the identical regulation.

Another main opposition determine, Vladimir Kara-Murza, has been in custody going through the identical fees.

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