Home Latest Russia’s former president visits troops in Ukraine: ‘Vladimir Putin’s order’

Russia’s former president visits troops in Ukraine: ‘Vladimir Putin’s order’

Russia’s former president visits troops in Ukraine: ‘Vladimir Putin’s order’


Russia’s former chief Dmitry Medvedev stated Tuesday he visited troops close to the frontline in Ukraine’s japanese Donetsk area, upon orders from President Vladimir Putin.

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman and the pinnacle of the United Russia social gathering, Dmitry Medvedev, entrance proper, awards Russian servicemen throughout his go to at a navy coaching vary.(AP)

Several high-ranking Russian officers have visited occupied areas of Ukraine since Moscow’s offensive started final yr, together with Putin, who paid an unannounced go to to the southeastern Ukrainian port of Mariupol in March.

“On the instructions of the president, I visited a firing range near the contact line on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” stated Medvedev, who previously served as president and prime minister.

“The servicemen are demonstrating excellent combat qualities of will, firmness and a general attitude to victory,” Medvedev, who now serves as deputy chairman of the Kremlin’s Security Council, stated in a video posted on social media.

He added that “over 325,000 people” had been recruited into the Russian armed forces for the reason that begin of the yr — up from the determine of 280,000 he gave at the beginning of the month.

AFP was not capable of independently confirm these numbers.

Medvedev has been one in every of Moscow’s most hawkish voices in assist of the Ukraine offensive and sometimes denounces the West in inflammatory posts on social media.

Russia claimed to annex Ukraine’s areas of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia in September 2022, however doesn’t absolutely management any of them.

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